Israel and the Gaza Strip
500 words we should know about Israel-Gaza Strip relations
The Gaza Strip is an autonomous Palestinian territory on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Egypt to the southwest for 11 kilometers and Israel to the east and north along a 51 km border. The territory is 41 kilometers long and 6-12 kilometers wide, with an area of 365 square kilometers inhabited by about 1.85 million Palestinians (no reliable census). Gaza has an annual population growth rate of 2.91%, the 13th highest in the world, which is why it is usually referred to as an overpopulated territory.
Unfortunately, and despite the fact that there is not a single Israeli left in Gaza (2005), the political and security situation in Gaza continued to deteriorate. In January 2006 the Hamas organization won the elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council and was invited by Fatah to join a coalition government headed by the latter. In June 2007 Hamas staged a coup in the Gaza Strip in a violent campaign, resulting in the assassination and assault of dozens of Fatah officials. After this coup Hamas gained control over all Palestinian government apparatus in Gaza.
Is it true that Israel occupies Gaza? While the Belligerent Occupation Law does not provide an explicit answer, the accepted approach is that of a “mirror image” of the conditions for its creation, i.e., when the occupying army no longer maintains effective control in the territory and in its place, there is a new regime that possesses such control. Occupation can end by agreement or when the occupier is forced to leave, but also by a unilateral act of departure of the occupying power. Israel withdrew from the Gaza area in 2005.
During Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), Israel declared a blockade against the Strip to prevent the entry of weapons. The blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal (San Remo Convention 1995 and according to the Palmer Commission of Inquiry (UN) on the Gaza flotilla 2010). Palmer concluded that: 1) Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is legal and Israel has the right to impose it; 2) the decision to break the naval blockade (by the flotilla) was a reckless act; 3) the conduct and true objectives of the organizers of the flotilla, in particular the IHH, were violent.
Until 2011, Hamas’ main benefactor country was Iran, and according to various estimates 80% of Iran’s foreign aid went to Hamas’ armed wing. Because Hamas opposed Assad in Syria and Assad is a great ally of Iran, Hamas had to leave Damascus (their headquarters at the time) and Iran stopped giving them money. For the last 6 years, Qatar has been the main financier and, with Israel’s approval, some 25 million dollars per month are given to the rulers of the Gaza Strip (this is how they pay public employees).
What is the history between Israel and the Gaza Strip?
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After World War I, the Gaza Strip was part of the British Mandate over Palestine until its dissolution in May 1948. Gaza was controlled by Egypt until 1967 without claiming to annex this area. Egypt imposed a military government there. Have you read about this Egyptian “occupation” of Gaza? Suspicious, isn’t it? In June 1967, the Gaza Strip came under control of the Israel Defense Forces and immediately thereafter a military administration was established in the region. This was the case until the Oslo Accords and until the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip in 2005.
Gaza was controlled by Egypt 1948-1967 without annexing it. It imposed a military government there. In June 1967, the Gaza Strip came under Israeli military administration. This was the case until the Oslo Accords and until the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip in 2005.
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In negotiations between Israel and the PLO, the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government was signed (13/9/1993), demarcating a phased settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On May 4, 1994, the parties signed the Agreement on the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area (Cairo Agreement). According to it, the Israeli army withdrew from most of the Gaza Strip, with the exception of Israeli settlements, the main access roads and the area of military installations along the Strip’s southern border with Egypt (the Philadelphi Route).
Israel and the PLO signed the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government (13/9/1993). According to this, Israel withdrew from most of the Gaza Strip, with the exception of Israeli settlements, main access roads and military installations.
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On 28/9/1995 Palestinians and Israelis signed the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip incorporating and replacing the Cairo Agreement. Based on these agreements, the Palestinian Authority maintained powers and responsibilities over all civil affairs and internal security in Gaza, except for Israeli settlements and military installations. Israel maintained control over external security, airspace and the Gazan electromagnetic sphere. Israel also controlled all crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel and the international crossing between Gaza and Egypt (located at Rafah).
On 28/9/1995 Palestinians and Israelis Oslo II. Israel maintained control over external security, airspace and the Gazan electromagnetic sphere, controlled the crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel and the international crossing between Gaza and Egypt (located at Rafah).
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In 2004, in the context of the violent situation due to the Intifada and the lack of a Palestinian partner to reach a final agreement, Israel decided to unilaterally evacuate its troops and citizens from the Gaza Strip, an action known as the “Disengagement Plan”. Implementation of the Disengagement Plan began on 8/17/2005 and lasted about three weeks. On September 12, 2005, the last of the Israeli soldiers left the Gaza Strip and the commander of the Southern IDF Division signed a proclamation terminating military rule in the area.
Israel decided to unilaterally evacuate its troops and citizens from the Gaza Strip, an action known as the “Disengagement Plan”. On September 12, 2005, the last of the Israeli soldiers left and a proclamation was signed terminating military rule.
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According to Israeli public statements, the total evacuation of Israeli citizens and military from the Gaza Strip (Disengagement) was aimed at reducing friction with the Palestinian population and improving the economic and living conditions of the Palestinians. The hope was that “the Palestinians would seize the opportunity created by the disengagement to break out of the cycle of violence and return to the process of dialogue”. It was also intended to “serve to dispel allegations regarding Israel’s responsibility for the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.” Palestinians in Gaza continued to fire missiles at Israeli civilians….
According to Israeli public statements, the total evacuation of Israeli citizens and military from the Gaza Strip (Disengagement), was aimed at reducing friction with the Palestinian population and improving the economic and living conditions of Palestinians.
What physical conditions does the Gaza Strip possess?
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The Gaza Strip is an autonomous Palestinian territory on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Egypt to the southwest for 11 kilometers and Israel to the east and north along a 51 km border. The territory is 41 kilometers long and 6-12 kilometers wide, with an area of 365 square kilometers inhabited by about 1.85 million Palestinians (no reliable census). Gaza has an annual population growth rate of 2.91%, the 13th highest in the world, which is why it is often referred to as an overpopulated territory.
The Gaza Strip borders Egypt to the southwest for 11 km and Israel to the east-north on a 51 km border. The territory is 41 km long and 6-12 km wide, with an area of 365 square kilometers inhabited by about 1.85 million Palestinians.
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Most Palestinians are descended from refugees who were expelled or left their homes (the majority) during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. About half a million of these Palestinians live in refugee camps. The main city of the Strip is “Gaza” (highest density in the world, 6,859 persons km2). The fertility rate in 1991 was 8.3 children, declining to 4.4 children per woman in 2013. Sunni Muslims constitute the predominant part of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip. In addition, an estimated 2,000-3,000 Arab Christians live with limited freedom of worship.
Most Palestinians are descended from refugees who were expelled or left their homes in the 1948 war. About half a million live in refugee camps. The main city of the Strip is “Gaza” (highest density in the world, 6,859 persons km2).
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According to a report (2016) by the Palestinian Water Authority, the total domestic water supply in the Gaza Strip amounts to 95 mcm/a, of which 86% comes from municipal groundwater wells; 4% comes from desalination; and 7% from Mekorot, Israel’s national water company. As of 2015, 96.4% of the natural water extracted from the coastal aquifer – the Strip’s main water source – is unfit for human consumption by WHO standards. What is the implication? They extract more water than they should.
The total supply for domestic use in the Gaza Strip (Palestinian Water Authority) amounts to 95 mcm/a: 86% from groundwater wells; 4% desalination; and 7% from Israel’s Mekorot. As of 2015, 96.4% of natural water is unfit for consumption due to over extraction.
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During the years that Israel ruled the Gaza Strip, the local economy was dependent on the Israeli economy. After Disengagement 2005 and Operation Protective Edge (2014), GDP per capita plummeted to $1,700 (West Bank $3,700), ranked 174th economy in the world (among 223). By 2015, the unemployment rate was 41% due to (a) the drop in foreign trade after 2005 and the imposition of export restrictions; (b) severe damage to capital and infrastructure in the Gaza-Israel wars; and (c) the level of population growth in Gaza.
By 2015, the unemployment rate was 41% due to (a) the drop in foreign trade after 2005 and the imposition of export restrictions; (b) the damage to capital and infrastructure in the Gaza-Israel wars; and (c) the level of population growth in Gaza.
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The Gaza Strip is entered, if the goods are coming from Israel, through the Keren Shalom crossing. On foot, into Israel, one enters through the Erez crossing. The boundary between the British zone of influence (Egypt) and the Ottoman Empire was established in 1906 and is a line between Rafah and Eilat. In 1948 Egypt occupied it to use it as a base for attacking Jaffa-Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem during the 1948 war and later served as a base of operations for attacks by the Fedayouns. Today, under Hamas, the Gaza Strip is virtually an independent state.
The Gaza Strip is entered, if the goods are coming from Israel, through the Keren Shalom crossing. On foot, into Israel, one enters through the Erez crossing. Currently, and under Hamas, the Gaza Strip is practically an independent state.
Why did Hamas stage a coup d'état against the Palestinian Authority in June 2007?
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In the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, Hamas won the majority of seats in the first round in what was the first democratic election held in Palestine, defeating the ruling Fatah (Palestinian Authority) party. The “Change and Reform List”, as Hamas called itself in those elections, won 42.9% of the vote and 74 of 132 seats. Mahmoud Abbas; President of the PA, refused to provide funds for the security forces which would now be dominated by Hamas (civilian government). In May 2007, Abbas unilaterally dispersed military forces in Gaza and Hamas reacted by seizing power.
In the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections, Hamas won the majority of seats. Mahmoud Abbas; President of the PA; refused to provide funds for security forces that would now be dominated by Hamas (civilian government). Hamas reacts by seizing power.
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Unfortunately, and despite the fact that not a single Israeli remained in Gaza (2005), the political and security situation in Gaza continued to deteriorate. In January 2006 the Hamas organization won the elections to the Palestinian Legislative Council and was invited by Fatah to join a coalition government headed by the latter. In June 2007 Hamas staged a coup in the Gaza Strip in a violent campaign, resulting in the assassination and assault of dozens of Fatah officials. After this coup Hamas gained control over all Palestinian government apparatus in Gaza.
In June 2007 Hamas staged a coup in the Gaza Strip in a violent campaign, resulting in the assassination and assault of dozens of Fatah officials. After this coup Hamas gained control over all Palestinian government apparatus in Gaza.
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Following the coup and the Hamas terrorist group’s seizure of power in Gaza (2007), the Islamists increased their missile attacks against Israel. In response to these intentional attacks from the Gaza Strip (towards Israeli civilians), Israel imposed limitations on the transfer of goods and the passage of people between Israel and the Strip. Had they not attacked, the relationship between Israel and Gaza would have continued smoothly. Had Hamas not fired missiles, intentionally, Israel would not have needed to launch counterattacks or operations such as Operation Cast Lead (December 2008) or Protective Edge (summer 2014).
Following the coup and takeover of the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza (2007), the Islamists increased their missile attacks against Israel. In response to these intentional attacks from the Gaza Strip begins Israeli operations against Hamas.
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Although the legality of the Hamas government in Gaza has been questioned by the international community and by Israel, it must (from the legal point of view) be considered the de facto replacement of the Palestinian Authority government. The PA government was seen by the international community (and by Israel) as the legitimate government of the West Bank and Gaza Strip after disengagement. Consequently, if the latter is accepted as a genuine independent government that is not subject to Israel, the same must be considered to the Hamas government, despite the brutality of its coup.
Although the legality of the Hamas government in Gaza has been questioned by the international community and by Israel, it must (legally) be considered as the de facto replacement of the Palestinian Authority government.
Is the Gaza Strip occupied by Israel?
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When does a foreign occupation end? While the Belligerent Occupation Law does not provide an explicit answer, the accepted approach is that of a “mirror image” of the conditions for its creation, i.e., when the occupying army no longer maintains effective control over the territory and in its place, there is a new regime that possesses such control. Occupation can end by agreement or when the occupier is forced to leave, but also by a unilateral act of departure of the occupying power. Israel withdrew completely from the Gaza area in 2005.
When does a foreign occupation end? The accepted approach is that of a “mirror image” of the conditions for its creation, i.e. when the occupying army no longer maintains effective territorial control and, in its place, there is a new regime that possesses such control.
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What actually happens is that there are special circumstances that lead to certain obligations and responsibilities on the part of Israel (self-assumed or so defined by the Israeli High Court of Justice). These do not arise from a defined body of legal norms, such as the law of occupation, but from a sui generis situation that requires appropriate and flexible definitions. There is a reality, a democratic and progressive society like Israel is influenced by humanitarian motivations, even though the Hamas dictatorship has been imposed in Gaza, Israel is morally obliged to help the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
What is really happening is that there are special circumstances that lead to certain obligations and responsibilities on the part of Israel (self-assumed or so defined by the Israeli High Court of Justice). These do not arise from a defined body of legal norms.
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The basic formulation for defining an “Occupation” is found in Article 42 of the Hague Regulations Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land (1907), which states: “A territory is considered occupied when it is in fact placed under the authority of the enemy’s army. Occupation extends only to territories where such authority has been established and can be exercised”. It is commonly agreed that, in its essence, territory is considered occupied when it is under the “effective control” of a foreign army. There is not a single Israeli in Gaza, so how do they control?
It is commonly agreed that, in its essence, the territory is considered occupied when it is under the “effective control” of a foreign army. There is not a single Israeli in Gaza, so how do they control?
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The International Court of Justice (ICJ) says that a belligerent occupation exists when the occupying army actually exercises its authority in the territory, and thereby supplants the authority of the sovereign government in that area. According to that, Israel does not occupy Gaza. Point. A different approach to the “effective control” test focuses on the “potential” ability of an army (in this case Israel) to maintain its authority over the area (Gaza Strip) and the inability of the sovereign government (now Hamas) to exercise its authority. Ask the Gazans if Hamas does not rule them.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) says that a belligerent occupation exists when the occupying army actually exercises its authority in the territory, and thereby supplants the authority of the sovereign government in that area. According to that, Israel does not occupy Gaza.
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You claim that Israel occupies Gaza because the West Bank (Judea Samaria) and the Gaza Strip are a single territorial unit, and therefore, even after the withdrawal from the Strip, Israel remains an occupier of this unified entity through its (alleged) control of the West Bank. This assertion has NO legal basis whatsoever. The fact that the West Bank and Gaza Strip are considered one political unit does not change the reality that they are separate geographical units. Hamas rules Gaza and does not consider itself subject to the authority of the Palestinian Authority government in the West Bank.
You claim that Israel occupies Gaza because the West Bank (Judea Samaria) and the Gaza Strip are a single territorial unit. This assertion has NO legal basis whatsoever. Hamas rules Gaza and does not consider itself subject to the authority of the Palestinian Authority government in the West Bank.
If Israel does not "occupy" Gaza, in what way "if" it influences?
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You say that Israel continues to occupy the Gaza Strip because it can re-enter the region militarily. Israel considers itself involved in an armed conflict with the Hamas government and therefore has the “right” to engage in military operations that sometimes take place in the Strip. It is totally legal. It’s like in Lebanon, from where Israel withdrew in 2000, but sometimes must respond to Hezbollah attacks. Israel has nothing to look for in a hostile area like the Gaza Strip? No oil, no water, no land. Nothing at all.
You say that Israel continues to occupy the Gaza Strip because it can re-enter militarily. Israel considers itself involved in an armed conflict with the Hamas government and therefore has the “right” to engage in military operations that sometimes take place in the Strip.
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You say that Israel “occupies the Gaza Strip” as it maintains control over the outer perimeter of the Strip, which controls the airspace and the sea area, as well as the land border and the crossing points between Israel and Gaza. As for control over the airspace and the sea (motivated by Hamas missile attacks), this in itself does not prove that Israel exercises governmental authority in Gaza. Israeli control of the border crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip is a natural reflection of Israeli sovereignty.
The fact that Israel controls the airspace and the sea (because of Hamas terrorist attacks), this in itself does not prove that Israel exercises governmental authority in Gaza. Israeli control of the border crossings between Israel and the Strip is a reflection of sovereignty.
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You say that Israel “occupies Gaza” as it maintains control over the outer perimeter of Gaza… note that the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt (and the Rafah crossing) is not under Israeli control but under Palestinian-Egyptian control. Until recently, the border with Egypt had remained closed due to Egyptian decisions. This means that whenever the Egyptians want it, “the Strip” will have an open external border. The opening or hermetic closure of the Rafah Crossing also means that Israel does not control the flow of people and goods to and from Gaza.
You say that Israel “occupies Gaza” since it maintains control over the outer perimeter of Gaza… note that the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt (and the Rafah Crossing) is not under Israeli control but under Palestinian-Egyptian control.
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You claim that Israel “occupies” the Gaza Strip because it does not allow Palestinians to approach its wired border. Do you usually make up international law? It is doubtful that this amounts to effective control, but even if it does, then, at most, one could say that these areas remain occupied (although there is no effective Israeli government there or anything like it), but this is not enough to conclude that Gaza, as a whole, is under occupation. Terrorists approach the wire fence to fire missiles and dig tunnels? Don’t let them do it! And the “no approach” zone will disappear.
You claim that Israel “occupies” the Gaza Strip because it does not allow Palestinians to approach its barbed wire border. Do you often make up international law? It is not effective control, but even if it is, then, at most, you could say that these areas remain occupied.
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You say that the Gaza Strip remains dependent on Israel in many respects, such as in terms of water and electricity supply. Therefore. “There is an occupation.” First of all, with the opening of the Rafah Crossing, the Gaza Strip is much less dependent on Israel than it was. Having an effect on the population of an area can NOT be considered the same as “exercising effective control” of government over this population. Many states are heavily affected by their neighbors and yet are not considered occupied by them. Does Argentina “occupy” Uruguay? Ridiculous.
You say that the Gaza Strip is still dependent on Israel for such things as water and electricity. Therefore, “There is an occupation”. Many states are heavily affected by their neighbors and yet do not consider themselves occupied by their neighbors.
Why has Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip?
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Since 2001, Hamas terrorists have fired 20,000 rockets and mortars, on purpose, at Israeli civilians. In addition, they dug a hundred tunnels, one of which was used to kidnap soldier Guilad Shalit (2006) inside Israeli territory. In addition, Hamas has spent its budget on “hate education” and weapons, monopolically ruling the Strip since 2007. While deliberately exposing its population by placing rocket depots and missile launchers intentionally installed in mosques or UNRWA schools, Hamas leaders are preoccupied with hiding, themselves, in the basement of Gaza’s Shifa Hospital.
Since 2001, Hamas has fired 20,000 rockets and mortars, intentionally, at Israeli civilians. In addition, they dug a hundred tunnels, one of which was used to kidnap soldier Guilad Shalit (2006) in Israeli territory. Israel is at war with Hamas.
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The relations between Israel and Hamas have the character of an armed conflict. No formal declaration of war is required. The rules of armed conflict apply. This means that Israel can control maritime traffic bound for Gaza (even when the vessels are at sea). The rules of naval warfare were not, in their entirety, codified in a treaty and are customary rules of a binding nature. They can be found in important manuals of Western navies (in particular, the US and Britain) and in the San Remo Manual (1995), prepared by a group of experts.
The relations between Israel and Hamas have the character of an armed conflict. No formal declaration of war is required. The rules of armed conflict apply. This means that Israel can control maritime traffic bound for Gaza (San Remo Convention 1995).
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What is the legal basis for the Israeli naval blockade in Gaza? The relations between Israel and Hamas (which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007) have the character of an armed conflict, which means that the rules of the laws of armed conflict apply here. This means that Israel can control maritime traffic bound for Gaza, even when the vessel is still at sea. Israel may not do so in the territorial sea of a third country, such as Cyprus or another, but in times of armed conflict, Israel can control vessels at sea bound for Gaza.
The relations between Israel and Hamas (which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007) have the character of an armed conflict, which means that the rules of the laws of armed conflict apply here. This means that Israel can control maritime traffic to Gaza.
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Can Gaza be considered an enemy even though it is not a state? According to international law, it can. According to several Israeli Supreme Court rulings, the conflict with Gaza is international and not internal, because Gaza is not part of Israel. Neither Gaza nor the West Bank were annexed by Israel, nor did Israel’s “law, jurisdiction and administration” extend to those places (as was done with East Jerusalem in 1967 and the Golan Heights in 1981). In 2005 Israel withdrew from Gaza and, in 2007, effective power passed to Hamas.
Can Gaza be considered an enemy even though it is not a state? According to international law, it can. Neither Gaza nor the West Bank were annexed by Israel, nor did Israel’s “law, jurisdiction and administration” extend to those places.
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On 2/1/2002, in the midst of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, Israeli commandos intercepted in international waters, in the Red Sea, a Tonga-flagged ship named Karine A. It had been purchased by the Palestinian Authority, then led by Yasser Arafat. Off the coast of Yemen they encountered Iranian and Hezbollah agents who filled the vessel with 50 tons of weapons. The civilian cargo used to conceal the weapons totaled $3,000,000 and the arms another $15,000,000. The shipment included 107 and 122 mm Katyusha rockets, mortar shells and anti-tank missiles. Hence the “blockade”.
On 2/1/2002 Israel legally raided the Palestinian ship Karine A. The civilian cargo used to conceal the weapons totaled $3,000,000 and the weapons $15,000,000. The shipment included Katyusha rockets (107 and 122 mm), mortar shells and anti-tank missiles. Hence the “blockade”.
Is the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip legal?
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During Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), Israel declared a blockade against the Strip to prevent the entry of weapons. The blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal (San Remo Convention 1995 and according to the Palmer Commission of Inquiry (UN) on the Gaza flotilla 2010). Palmer concluded that: 1) Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is legal and Israel has the right to impose it; 2) the decision to break the naval blockade (by the flotilla) was a reckless act; 3) the conduct and true objectives of the organizers of the flotilla, in particular the IHH, were violent.
During Operation Cast Lead (2008-2009), Israel declared a blockade against the Strip to prevent the entry of weapons. The blockade of the Gaza Strip is legal (San Remo Convention 1995 and according to the Palmer Commission of Inquiry (UN) on the Gaza flotilla 2010).
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To be legal, a blockade must be declared and announced, in an effective and non-discriminatory manner, and must allow the passage of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. In addition, the San Remo Manual (1995) includes two conditions: first, the State applying the blockade must decide where and when and through which port the aid should reach the coast (via Ashdod in Israel, for example). In addition, the state can require that, on shore, a neutral organization verifies who is the recipient of the assistance (in Gaza this does not happen because of Hamas rule).
To be legal, a blockade has to be declared and announced, in an effective and non-discriminatory manner, and must allow the passage of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population.
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A ship that clearly intends to violate the blockade can be stopped even at sea. For example, the detention of the Gaza-bound flotilla (Mavi Marmara) in international waters, 100 km away, was totally legal (this was also established by the Palmer Report). Israel maintains its rights and is in full compliance with international law because it fulfilled all the conditions mentioned for a legitimate blockade. For example, in January 2009, Israel notified the relevant authorities of its intention to establish a blockade of the Gaza coast, declaring that territory a hostile entity.
A ship that clearly intends to violate the blockade can be detained even at sea. For example, the detention of the Gaza-bound flotilla (Mavi Marmara) in international waters, 100 km away, was entirely legal (so established by the Palmer Report).
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There are numerous precedents for maritime blockades such as the one imposed by Israel on Gaza. During the Korean War (1950-1953), there was a blockade. In 1971, when Bangladesh tried to secede from Pakistan, India applied one. During the Iran-Iraq war between 1980 and 1988, there was a blockade of Shatt el-Arab. Lebanon was blockaded, for several months, in the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, and Israel allowed safe passage from Lebanon to Cyprus for humanitarian purposes. In the treatment of the flotilla (2010), Israel acted in accordance with international law because it complied with all the conditions of a legitimate blockade.
There are numerous precedents for maritime blockades such as the one imposed by Israel on Gaza. During the Korean War (1950 to 1953), there was a blockade. In 1971, when Bangladesh tried to secede from Pakistan, India applied one. During the Iran-Iraq war there was a blockade of Shatt el-Arab.
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To be legal, the blockade must be general, known and public, and a perennial humanitarian crisis in the blockaded area must be avoided. To avoid such a crisis, Israel delivers water and sells diesel to Hamas which rules Gaza (even though the Palestinians fire thousands of rockets at Israeli civilians). When a ship with humanitarian aid intends to go to Gaza, the Israeli Navy stops it and takes it to the port of Ashdod, where it is checked for weapons and if it is carrying humanitarian goods, it is delivered to the Palestinians through the Keren Shalom crossing. This is what happened with the Mavi-Marmara (2010).
To be legal, the blockade must be general, known and public, and a perennial humanitarian crisis in the blockaded area must be avoided. To avoid such a crisis, Israel delivers water and sells diesel to the Hamas ruling Gaza.
How do you explain the entry of products, currency, people and goods into the Gaza Strip from Israel?
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Until September 2000 (Second Intifada), civilians from Gaza entered Israel to work or to be cured. Per year, more than one million entries were recorded. Although Israel is currently still at war with Hamas-Gaza, in May 2017 alone 2282 entry requests were raised of which 47.2% were approved. Permits for the entry of sick people coming from the Gaza Strip must receive authorization from the Palestinian Authority, but due to the internal war between them and Hamas, for long periods the Palestinian Authority has refused to extend permits to Gazans.
Although Israel is currently still at war with Hamas-Gaza, 2282 entry requests were raised in May 2017 alone (approved 47.2 %). Permits for the entry of sick people coming from the Gaza Strip must receive authorization from the Palestinian Authority.
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In 1970, Israel lifted the industrial zone at the Erez crossing because the logic was that if Palestinians developed economically there would be less violence. Thousands of Palestinians worked there. Dozens of attacks and Palestinian rocket fire took place there. On 8/6/2003 three Palestinian fighters threw grenades and shot and killed 4 Israeli soldiers. On 8/31/2004 Israelis caught a suicide bomber. On 6/20/2005 a female suicide bomber on medical leave who intended to attack Soroka hospital in Beer-Sheva was arrested. On 5/22/2008 a truck bomb with hundreds of kilos of explosives exploded in Erez.
In 1970, Israel lifted the industrial zone at the Erez crossing because the logic was that if the Palestinians developed economically there would be less violence. Thousands of Palestinians worked there. Dozens of attacks and Palestinian rocket fire took place there.
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The import process from Israel to Gaza is as follows: after purchasing a product in Israel, the Palestinian delivers the receipt of the purchased product to the Palestinian Ministry of Economy in Gaza (dominated by Hamas), thus receiving the permission to import, then passes to the Palestinian cooperation authority that delivers quantities and reasons to its Israeli counterpart. Some dual-use products (military and civilian) require more control and time to approve export from the Israeli side. Machines and medicines take longer because, in some cases, they also can and have been used for military purposes.
The process of importing from Israel to Gaza is as follows: after purchasing a product in Israel, the Palestinian delivers the receipt for the purchase to the Palestinian Ministry of Economy in Gaza (dominated by Hamas), receives the permit and the products pass through Keren Shalom.
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Because Hamas uses and used building materials for its bunkers and tunnels to attack Israeli civilians, the Hebrew state is very careful to deliver uncontrollable quantities to Hamas in Gaza. The same goes for dual-use materials, which can be used to make weapons or missiles. Most of the construction materials enter Gaza from the Egyptian side. From January to June 11, 2014, 16% of what had entered Gaza in 2007 entered Gaza, because of the Hamas terrorists’ warlike use of these materials.
Because Hamas uses and used building materials for its bunkers and tunnels to attack Israeli civilians, the Hebrew state is very careful to deliver uncontrollable quantities to Hamas in Gaza. The same is true for dual-use materials.
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This was the hard data on economic relations between Israel and the Gaza Strip (2013) before the war. From Israel to Gaza passed 1.5 million tons of products, in 60,000 trucks, 60,000 tons of fruits and vegetables, 40,000 heads of cattle (meat). All this to the value of some 381 million dollars. These data do not take into account the products brought in by Hamas through the tunnels or those that pass legally from Egypt (Rafah). Then the fighting started (like 2014) and the economic weakness of Gaza means that they can no longer buy products from Israel.
From Israel to Gaza used to pass 1.5 million tons of products, in 60,000 trucks, 60,000 tons of fruits and vegetables, 40,000 heads of cattle (meat). Then the fighting started (like 2014) and the economic weakness of Gaza means that they can no longer buy products.
The situation of the Gaza Strip economy (until 2021).
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In 2014 the population of Gaza was 1.8 million and unemployment reached 40%. Those who did have jobs were: 70,000 dismissed civil servants still receiving salaries from the Palestinian Authority, another 45,000 Hamas employees in Gaza, NGO workers, such as UNWRA (90% employed Hamas members) and those with private businesses. It should be noted that between 2500 to 3000 businesses were closed since 2007. For example, before the Hamas coup 70,000 people were working in construction and after the closure of the Egyptian tunnels only 6,800.
In 2014 the population of Gaza had 70,000 dismissed public employees still receiving salaries from the Palestinian Authority, another 45,000 Hamas employees, NGO workers, such as UNWRA (90% employees members of Hamas) and those with private businesses.
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Until Egypt (2014) closed the tunnels through which all kinds of goods entered the Gaza Strip, Hamas controlled and taxed the passage of goods via the 1200 tunnels linking Gaza-Egypt. Cash also entered through these tunnels from Qatar (who received and laundered donations from Muslims around the world). In 2007 the Hamas budget in Gaza was 150 million and after 7 years of government there its budget reached 894 million dollars a year. Civil servants went from 5000 in 2007 to 45,000 today.
Until Egypt (2014) closed the tunnels through which goods entered the Gaza Strip, Hamas controlled and taxed the passage of goods via the 1200 tunnels linking Gaza-Egypt. Cash was also entering through these tunnels from Qatar.
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Prior to the military operation Protective Edge (2014), Hamas’ budget reached $500 million and that money came in cash, paid by Qatar, and by taxes collected from Gazan citizens. Hamas leaders came to exercise a monopoly on everything brought into the Strip, becoming a small wealthy mafia. Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal lives in a palace in Doha and travels on private jets. If Hamas used to have an advantage because it was less corrupt than the Palestinian Authority, now the situation has changed.
Before the military operation Protective Edge (2014), Hamas’ budget reached $500 million and that money came in cash, paid by Qatar, and by taxes collected from Gazan citizens. Hamas leaders came to exercise monopoly.
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Until 2011, Hamas’s main benefactor country was Iran, and according to various estimates 80% of Iran’s foreign aid went to Hamas’s armed wing. Because Hamas opposed Assad in Syria and Assad is a great ally of Iran, Hamas had to leave Damascus (their headquarters at the time) and Iran stopped giving them money. For the last 6 years, Qatar has been the main financier and, with Israel’s approval, some 25 million dollars per month are given to the rulers of the Gaza Strip (this is how they pay public employees).
Until 2011, the main benefactor of Hamas was Iran, and according to various estimates, 80% of Iran’s foreign aid went to the armed wing of Hamas. For the last 6 years, Qatar has been the main financier paying about $25 million per month (civil servants).
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Turkey (in addition to Qatar) also helped Hamas financially. During the last few years, Turkey donated $350 million for various projects in the Gaza Strip, including the construction of hospitals. In the Turkish case, unlike in the case of Qatar, it is known where the money went because they were executed by Turkish professionals arriving in Gaza. Turkish President Erdogan is also a Sunni Islamist so his support for the terrorist group is a matter of course in the region. In the past, secular Turkey was a great ally of Israel.
Turkey (as well as Qatar) was also a financial supporter of Hamas. During the last few years, Turkey donated $350 million for various projects in the Gaza Strip, including the construction of hospitals. In the past, secular Turkey was an ally of Israel.
What is the fishing situation on the shores of the Gaza Strip?
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In the Intermediate Agreements (1993), Israel and the Palestinians had agreed that Gaza fishermen could fish up to 12/20 miles from the coast. After the Hamas coup in Gaza (2007), the kidnapping of Shalit and the firing of missiles into Israel, fishing was limited to six miles from the coast. The policy of reducing the fishing zone was due to Israel’s declaration of Gaza as a “hostile entity” in January 2009. Should Israel put up with thousands of missiles against its civilians and not legally declare Gaza hostile?
In the Intermediate Accords (1993), Israel and the Palestinians had agreed that Gaza fishermen could fish up to 12 miles from the coast. After the Hamas coup in Gaza (2007) and the firing of missiles into Israel, fishing was limited to six miles.
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The Gaza-based, Hamas-dominated, pro-Palestinian NGO Al-Mizan claimed in a statement that “Israeli navy vessels are firing heavy fire at fishing boats to prevent them from exceeding the limit.” For its part, the Israeli NGO Betselem denounced that the reduction of the fishing limit “constitutes collective punishment and severely damages the livelihood of the fishermen”. Truth or falsehood. The solution is simple, if Hamas stops firing thousands of missiles at Israeli civilians, Israel will not declare Gaza a hostile entity and Hamas’ fishing zone in Gaza will be expanded.
The solution is simple, if Hamas stops firing thousands of missiles at Israeli civilians, Israel will not declare Gaza a hostile entity and the Hamas fishing zone in Gaza will be expanded.
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Do you know why Israel controls the shores of Gaza? Case in point… On 19/1/2015, the Israeli Navy intercepted off the coast of Gaza, a ship with tons of smuggled materials destined for Hamas, in the Gaza Strip. The three suspects (Mahmed Bechar, Awad Ahmed and Zaidi Zaidi) admitted that the materials were intended for the manufacture of missiles and mortars in Gaza. The boat appeared to be a fishing boat, but underneath the fishing materials was hidden liquid fiberglass, a basic material used for the manufacture of missiles and mortars and destined for the Hamas terrorist group. Did you know that?
Do you know why Israel controls the shores of Gaza? On 19/1/2015, the Israeli Navy intercepted off the coast of Gaza, those on the boat admitted that the materials were intended for the manufacture of missiles and mortars in Gaza. The boat appeared to be fishermen.
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Some 30,000 people were engaged in the fishing industry in Gaza. When Hamas is not firing rockets, the fishing zone is extended to 15 miles and when it attacks Israel, from 9 to 6 miles. Many times, Gazans instead of getting angry at Hamas for causing this, focus their anger on Israel. Data published by the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture shows that despite the headlines, the economic contribution of the fishing industry to GDP in Gaza is quite limited and estimated at less than 5%. Currently (2019) there are 4,000 fishermen in the Strip.
Some 30,000 people were engaged in the fishing industry in Gaza. When Hamas does not fire rockets, the fishing zone is extended to 15 miles and when it attacks Israel, from 9 to 6 miles. The economic contribution of the fishing industry to GDP in Gaza is limited, less than 5%.
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According to the latest published data in the Strip, there are about 1,200 boats of various types With the limited fishing space, the average income of Gaza fishermen in most cases does not exceed NIS 200 per day ($60). Due to the difficult fishing conditions, several entrepreneurs and fishermen in Gaza have attempted to install seawater-based fish ponds. The production of the fish ponds is estimated at around 300 tons per year, but it costs the customer 40 shekel per kilo and that is a lot.
Due to the difficult fishing conditions, entrepreneurs and fishermen in Gaza have tried to install seawater fish ponds. The production of the fish ponds is 300 tons per year, but it costs the customer 40 shekel per kilo and that is a lot.
How many and what types of missiles did the Islamists launch from Gaza (2021)?
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At the end of the November 2012 round of warfare, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal laid out Hamas’ strategy for destroying Israel based on two main and complementary elements: the military and the political. Mashaal suggested that Israel’s military superiority could be defeated by gaining tactical military advantages, taking advantage of Israeli vulnerabilities, reducing its military options through the use of political-legal tools and with the help of Western leftist human rights “defender” organizations. Militarily, Hamas’ effort focused on developing rockets (quantity and quality) and digging attack tunnels.
Hamas’ strategy to destroy Israel, based on two main and complementary elements: military and political. From the military, the Hamas effort focused on developing rockets (quantity and quality) and digging attack tunnels.
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It is important to emphasize: deliberately firing rockets at civilians is a war crime. At the beginning of Operation Protective Edge in 2014, the Israel Defense Forces estimated that some 10,000 rockets filled Hamas/Islamic Jihad depots. Many of these rockets were provided by Iran and Syria or stolen from the Libyan arsenal. Iranian warships delivered their weapons to ports in Sudan or Syria and from there they were tunneled into the Strip through the Egyptian-Gaza border. Such was the case with M-302 and Grad rockets and mortars.
At the start of Operation Protective Edge in 2014, the IDF estimated that some 10,000 rockets filled Hamas/Islamic Jihad depots. Many of these rockets were provided by Iran and Syria or stolen from the Libyan arsenal.
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Hamas rockets: 1) Short-range (15-20 km): 1000 units of home-produced rockets (15 km), 2500 units of smuggled rockets (15 km), 200 home-produced Grad rockets (20 km) and 200 smuggled Grad rockets (20 km). 2) Medium-range (up to 45 km): 200 in-house Grad rockets and another 1000 upgraded Grad smuggled rockets (45 km). 3) Medium-long range (80 km): more than 400 self-produced rockets. 4) Long-range (100-200 km): about ten rockets. These are not rudimentary rockets. Possibly, Hamas (2021) possesses more rockets than in 2014.
Hamas rockets: 1) Short-range (15-20 km): 1000 home-produced rockets (15 km), 2) Medium-range (up to 45 km): 200 home-produced Grad rockets and another 1000 smuggled rockets, 3) Medium-long-range (80 km): more than 400 home-produced rockets.
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Hamas’ home-made missiles called M75 are explained as follows: the number 75 is for their range and the letter M for Ibrahim Muqadma, one of the heads of Hamas’ terrorist military wing, who was killed by Israeli military forces in 2003. On March 10, 2014, the Izz-Adin Al-Qassam Brigades inaugurated a square in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City in Muqadma’s name, which includes a monument with an M75 rocket. Since 2001, more than 17,200 missiles and mortars, an average of 3 per day, have been aimed at Israel.
Since 2001, more than 15,200 missiles and mortars, an average of 3 per day, have been directed toward Israel. Hamas’ own manufactured missiles called M75 are explained as follows: the number 75 is for their range and the letter M in honor of Ibrahim Muqadma.
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Hamas and other terrorist organizations launch mortars, rockets and missiles towards Israeli cities. Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip (2005), terrorists have fired more than 11,000 rockets into Israel. More than 5 million Israelis currently live under the threat of rocket attacks. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter from a rocket fired from Gaza into Israel. Most of the missiles launched into Israel are capable of reaching Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. There are no Israelis in Gaza but they keep launching rockets and you keep quiet….
Since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip (2005), terrorists have fired more than 12,000 missiles into Israel. More than 5 million live under the threat of missile attacks. More than half a million Israelis have less than 60 seconds to find shelter.