The War of Independence 1948-1949
500 words we should know about the War of Independence 1948-1949
In November 1947 the United Nations partitioned the territory of the British Mandate of Palestine according to demographic considerations and on the basis that each ethnic group should have land to develop and attract future immigrants.
The British Mandate included 120,000 km2, but in 1922 England gave away 76.5% of Palestine for the creation of a first Arab state called Jordan. The Jews received 55% of the remaining 23.5% of the land where they were the majority and where they owned land. The Jews accepted their territory despite enormous difficulties. The Arabs did not accept the partition and declared their intention to annihilate the Jews.
We can divide this conflict into two parts. The first part begins after the partition of Palestine at the UN (29/11/1947) until the Declaration of Independence of Israel (14/5/1948), a period during which the Arabs of the British Mandate attack the Jews in a kind of civil war. The second part begins with the invasion of six Arab armies eager to destroy the newborn Jewish state. On both occasions the aggressors were the same: the Arabs.
The exact number of Arab dead in the 1948 war is unknown: it is assumed that 2,000 Egyptians, 1,000 Syrians, 1,000 Jordanians, 500 Iraqis, 500 Lebanese and another 3,000 Arabs from Palestine… in total: about 8,000 people. Aref El-Aref, who also includes the dead caused by disputes between Palestinian Arab clans, puts the death toll at 17,000 (13,000 of them Palestinian Arabs). They killed each other again! In 1948, more Arabs were killed by other Arabs than were killed in combat against Israel.
During the war, on April 9, 1948, there was a battle in the village of Dir Yassin, where 107 civilians and 13 Arab soldiers were killed, mainly because of the use of civilians as human shields and because of an accident in a truck carrying a loudspeaker (from the Etzel-Leji), which was intended to warn civilians to flee but fell into a ditch. This was used to call for Arab relief.
After being attacked, Israel added 5,700 square kilometers to what had been assigned to it by partition. At the end of the war, the State of Israel extended over 20,770 square kilometers, which is 77% of the post-1922 Palestinian Mandate (about 27,000 square kilometers) and 17.30% of the original land of Palestine (including Jordan).
It was a very hard war for Israel: 6,373 killed in the battle for its independence (4,000 soldiers and 2,373 civilians).
Arab countries signed armistice agreements with Israel in 1949, starting with Egypt (February 24), followed by Lebanon (March 23), Jordan (April 3) and Syria (July 20). Iraq was the only country that did not sign an agreement with Israel. None of the Arab states would negotiate a peace agreement until the first with Egypt in 1979. The cease-fire lines were military armistice agreements and not recognized borders.
What is Declaration 181 of the United Nations General Assembly (1947)?
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The UN appointed a United Nations Special Commission on Palestine (UNSCOP) to consider a destination for the disputed land. Delegates from 11 nations suggested a partition of the territory, an Arab state (not a “Palestinian” one) and a Jewish one (with economic relations and an internationalized Jerusalem). Guatemala, Uruguay and Peru participated in UNSCOP. The Jews were not happy with the partition but accepted it. The Arabs rejected it and demanded the establishment of an Arab state alone. The recommendation for partition was adopted by the UN General Assembly (181) by a vote of 33 in favor, 13 against and 10 abstentions (29/11/1947).
The UN appointed a Special Commission for Palestine (UNSCOP) to decide the future of Israel after World War II. The 11 nations suggested a partition of the territory, an Arab and a Jewish state (with economic relations and an internationalized Jerusalem).
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According to the partition plan of Palestine, 538,000 Jews and 397,000 Arabs would live within the Jewish state (note that more than half a million Jewish refugees were waiting to enter Israel). Approximately 92,000 Arabs lived in Tiberias, Safed, Haifa and Beit-Shean and another 40,000 were Bedouins living in the desert. The Arab state would have a population of 804,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews. Jerusalem was to remain an international zone, isolating another 100,000 Jews from Jerusalem. The plan was lousy for the Jews, but they accepted it while the Arabs rejected it, starting the war.
According to the partition plan, 538,000 Jews and 397,000 Arabs would live within the Jewish state. The Arab state would have 804,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews. Jerusalem would be international, isolating another 100,000 Jews from there. The Jews accepted, the Arabs rejected and attacked.
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UN General Assembly Declaration 181 (partition plan 11/29/1947) is not legally binding. It is, like all General Assembly declarations, a “Declaration”. Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of International Justice Stephen Schwebel ruled that “The UN General Assembly may propose without legally binding, in accordance with Article 10 of the UN Charter”. The UN “if” it accepts members that “if or if” they must be countries that meet the premises of “Montevideo”. Israel was the 59th country, accepted as a member of the UN by decision 273 of 11/5/1949.
Declaration 181 of the UN General Assembly (partition plan 29/11/1947) is not legally binding. It is, like all General Assembly declarations, a “Declaration”. Israel was the 59th country, accepted as a member of the UN by decision 273 of 11/5/1949.
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It must be understood that the partition plan was based only on a division on the basis of “demography”. The boundaries of the Jewish state were established without any consideration of security: hence the borders of the new state were virtually indefensible. And yet, the Jews DID accept the partition. Today, having witnessed, on more than one occasion, Palestinian and Arab terrorist violence in general, Jews have come to understand that the borders of their state must also be subject to security considerations. Would you blame them for being forewarned?
The boundaries of the Jewish state were set without any security considerations: hence the borders of the new state, according to the Partition Plan, were quite indefensible. And yet, the Jews DID accept the partition. The Arabs refused to partition the land.
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Between the two world wars, the Jews developed a state within the British Mandate so the declaration of partition (1947) and the recognition of Israel as a UN member state was a confirmation of “effective” Jewish control over certain territories. The Arabs did not possess this infrastructure and were annexed by other Arabs. The Arabs rejected partition and demanded that only one Arab state be established. The partition recommendation was adopted by the UN General Assembly by a vote of 33 in favor, 13 against and 10 abstentions (11/29/1947). These are facts.
The Arabs rejected partition and demanded that only one Arab state be established. The partition recommendation was adopted by the UN General Assembly by a vote of 33 in favor, 13 against and 10 abstentions (11/29/1947). These are facts.
Was the UN territorial partition of Mandatory Palestine (1947) just?
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The partition of Palestine was established according to the principle: “where Jews lived (those territories bought by them with money) would be part of the Jewish state”, and in addition, other territories should be added to settle the Jews who would arrive after the declaration of independence and who had survived the Holocaust. Almost 60% of the Jewish state contained the arid Negev desert (which the Jews now develop and protect) while the Arabs occupied most of the agricultural lands. The good Jewish (agricultural) land was land bought by Jews and developed by Jews. Why would the Arabs take it?
The partition of Palestine turned into: “where Jews lived (purchased territories) would be part of the Jewish state”, and in addition, other territories should be added to settle the Jews who would arrive after the declaration of independence and who had survived the Holocaust.
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It must be stated clearly, the land earmarked for the Jews in the 1947 partition plan for Palestine was mostly desert. On the land allotted to the Jews, they were in the majority: 538,000 Jews lived there and another 397,000 Arabs, including Christians, Bedouins and Druze, many of whom had arrived there in recent years, seeking work offered by the Zionist movement. Another 100,000 Jews were isolated in Jerusalem, a city that would be internationalized. When the local Arabs and Arab armies attacked the Jews (in 1948), the war began and many Arabs fled these combat zones.
Let’s be clear, the land allocated to the Jews in the partition plan of Palestine (1947) was mostly desert. On the land allocated to the Jews, they were in the majority: 538,000 Jews and 397,000 Arabs, many of whom had recently arrived there looking for work.
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Here we see a blatant case of manipulation. The British Mandate over Palestine extended over 120,000 square kilometers. In 1922, Britain arbitrarily partitioned Palestine to form the Kingdom of Jordan, which kept 76.5% of the territory. Thus a first Arab state was formed in “Palestine”. Then, in 1947, the UN partitioned Palestine again into two states, one of them for the Jews, who received 55% of the territory of what was left of the Mandate. The Jews received 12,925 km2 out of 120,000 km2, i.e. 10.77%. The Arabs received almost 90% of “Palestine”.
The British Mandate over Palestine extended over 120,000 km2. In 1922, Britain arbitrarily partitioned Palestine to form Jordan, which kept 76.5% of the territory. The Jews, in 1947, received 12,925 km2 of 120,000 km2, i.e. 10.77%.
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According to British statistics, more than 70% of the land that was to be the Jewish state was not owned by Arab farmers, it was British Mandate land. Almost 9% were owned by Jews and approximately 3% were areas owned by Arabs who became citizens of Israel. In other words, only 18% of the land belonged to Arabs who left the country before and after Israel’s invasion. The argument that Jews received a state in Arab territories could be true if we do not take into account absolutely no factual data (in lies).
According to British statistics, more than 70% of the land that would be the Jewish state was not owned by Arabs, it was British Mandate land. Almost 9% were owned by Jews and approximately 3% were areas of Arabs who became citizens of Israel.
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Arab leaders rejected the Partition Plan for Palestine arguing that it violated Arab rights, who at that time represented 67% of the total population (1,237,000 inhabitants), criticizing also that most of the territory was allotted to Jews, who consisted of 33% of the population. The problem is that they lied (again): 1) The Jewish state received 45% of its territory in “desert” (of the Negev), a land then of little use, 2) Most of the Arabs had recently arrived looking for work, 3) 76.5% of Palestine had already been received by the Arabs in 1922.
There are three truths about the Partition of 1947: 1) The Jewish state received 45% of its territory in the “desert” (Negev), a land of little use, 2) Most of the Arabs had arrived recently looking for work, 3) 76.5% of Palestine had already been received by Jordan.
How did the 1948 Arab-Israeli war begin and develop?
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The resolution to partition Palestine was never suspended or rescinded. Consequently, Israel, the Jewish state in Palestine, came into being on 14/5/1948, at the same time as the British were leaving the country. The Arab state was not created by Arab decision. Six Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel. Their intentions were declared by Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League: “This will be a war of extermination and great massacres, which will be spoken of as the Mongol and Crusader massacres”. The Arabs wanted another Jewish Holocaust, another new WAR OF EXTERMINATION, but they did not succeed.
Six Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel. The Arabs wanted another Jewish Holocaust, another new WAR OF EXTERMINATION, but they did not succeed.
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We can divide this conflict into two parts. The first part begins after the partition of Palestine at the UN (11/29/1947) until the Declaration of Independence of Israel (5/14/1948), during which time the Arabs of the British Mandate attack the Jews in a kind of civil war. The second part begins with the invasion of six Arab armies eager to destroy the newborn Jewish state. On both occasions the aggressors were the same: the Arabs. Mahmoud Abbas (Palestinian Authority) acknowledged that the Arabs were wrong not to accept partition. Now you rewrite history and contradict Abbas.
We can divide this conflict into two parts. The first one starts after the partition until the Declaration of Independence of Israel (14/5/1948). A civil war. The second part with the invasion of six Arab armies eager to destroy the newly born Jewish state.
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When Israel declared its independence (14/5/1948), the Jewish army had not a single cannon, not a tank. Its air force consisted of nine obsolete aircraft. While the Haganah had 60,000 trained fighters, only 18,900 were fully mobilized, armed and ready for war. On the eve of the start of hostilities, the chief of operations, Yigal Yadin, told David Ben Gurion, “The best we can tell you is that we have a 50-50 chance.” Do you know why Israel won the 1948 war? Because the Jews had no choice. It was either to assert themselves or be annihilated by the Arabs.
When Israel declared its independence (14/5/1948), the Jewish army did not have a single cannon or tank. Its air force consisted of nine obsolete airplanes. The Haganah had 60,000 trained fighters, 18,900 were fully mobilized, armed and ready for war.
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For Israel the 1948 war was terrible. Much of its most productive land was ruined, its citrus groves which were the basis of the Yishuv’s (Jewish community) economy were largely destroyed. Military expenditures amounted to $500 million. Worse still, 6,373 Israelis died, almost one percent of the Jewish population of 650,000. In the Arab countries, almost 1,000,000 Jews were expelled or fled, losing their property and disconnecting from friends and family (Jewish Nakba). If only the Arabs had accepted peace and the Arab state.
For Israel the 1948 war was terrible. Much productive land was ruined and 6,373 Israelis died, almost one percent of the Jewish population of 650,000. In the Arab countries, almost 1,000,000 Jews were expelled or fled.
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The Jews lost in the 1948 war about 6,000 people (1% of their population), 2,400 of them civilians. The youngest casualty was 10-year-old Nissim Guinai who was acting as a watchman inside the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem. The exact number of Arab dead in 1948 is unknown. It is assumed that 2,000 Egyptians, 1,000 Syrians, 1,000 Jordanians, 500 Iraqis, 500 Lebanese and another 3,000 Arabs from Palestine…. In total about 8,000 people. Aref El-Aref, who also includes the dead caused by disputes between Palestinian Arab clans, puts the number of dead at 17,000 (13,000 of them Arabs of Palestine).
It is assumed that in 1948, 2,000 Egyptians, 1,000 Syrians, 1,000 Jordanians, 500 Iraqis, 500 Lebanese and another 3,000 Arabs of Palestine were killed in action…. The dead caused by disputes between Palestinian Arab clans were 17,000 (13,000 of them Palestinian Arabs).
What is Plan Dalet during the War of Independence?
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What is Plan Dalet? It was an order of the Haganah (10/3/1948) ordering to take control of all the territories allocated by the UN for the Jewish state, the access routes of the immediate Arab attack and certain specific territories outside those allocated to Israel. In other words, from November 1947 to April 1948 the Jews took a defensive posture while the Arabs attacked. The decision to counterattack to protect your civilians in the framework of a war is a logical and fully accepted and legal measure. “Unfortunately” for them, the Arabs attacked and lost.
What is Plan Dalet? It was a Haganah order (10/3/1948) ordering to take control of all territories allocated by the UN for the Jewish state, the access routes of the immediate Arab attack and certain specific territories outside those allocated to Israel.
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Palestinian historians speak of a plan to execute an “ethnic cleansing” by means of systematic expulsion, looting, burning, etc. Plan Dalet (D) was not that, it was elaborated to control all the areas designated to the Jewish State by the Partition Plan in order to prepare for an invasion by the Arab countries once independence was declared. It was a reaction of the Jewish leadership to two challenges: the rise of ideas such as the Trusteeship (freezing or postponing the declaration of independence) and the terrible casualties after the convoy attacks (March 1948).
Plan Dalet (D) was a reaction of the Jewish leadership to two challenges: the rise of ideas such as the Trusteeship (freeze or postpone the declaration of independence) and the terrible casualties after the attacks on the convoys (March 1948).
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In early January 1948, the first detachments of the Arab Liberation Army began infiltrating into Palestine from Syria. Some came through Jordan, via Amman. The British commander of the Jordan Arab Legion, John Baggot Gubb, recognized the invasion. Finding themselves attacked and invaded, the Jews began to take the initiative to ensure their survival (Plan Dalet). The Jews were fewer, less organized and less well armed. Between 1/4/1948 until the Declaration of Independence on 5/14/1948, the Haganah captured several important cities such as Tiberias and Haifa, and temporarily opened the road to Jerusalem.
Finding themselves attacked and overrun, the Jews began to take the initiative to ensure their survival (Plan Dalet). Between 1/4/1948 and 14/5/1948, the Haganah captured several cities such as Tiberias and Haifa, and temporarily opened the road to Jerusalem.
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The 1948 war was divided into stages: 1) 30/11/1947 to April 1948: The Arabs attacked mainly on the roads and the Jews adopted a defensive policy. It was a war between civilians in which the Arabs attacked. 2) From 3/4/1948 to May 1948: The Jews went on the attack in the framework of Plan Dalet (D), and succeeded in taking control of large areas of the coast, in the Galilee. They conquer the mixed cities. The Arab countries announced that they would attack and annihilate the Jews and Israel, and on the ground, the Arabs were already doing so. These are demonstrable facts.
The 1948 war was divided into stages: 1) 30/11/1947 to April 1948: The Arabs attacked mainly on the roads and the Jews adopted a defensive policy. 2) From 3/4/1948 to May 1948: The Jews went on the attack within the framework of Plan Dalet (D).
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In the framework of Plan Dalet from April to May 1948, the Jews succeeded in taking control of Tiberias, Haifa, Tzfat and a dozen Arab villages. They then succeeded in gaining control of Acco. Plan Dalet made the Jews better positioned to be able to face the attack and invasion of the Arab countries. After several months in which the Arabs attacked and murdered Jews (comboyes Yechiam, Dan), they announced that they would annihilate the state to be created (Israel). If the Arabs had not attacked the Jews, if they had accepted the partition of Palestine (1947), Plan Dalet would not have been decided.
In the framework of Plan Dalet from April to May 1948, the Jews managed to take control of Tiberias, Haifa or Tzfat. They then succeeded in gaining control of Acco. Plan Dalet made the Jews better positioned to be able to face the attack and invasion of the Arab countries.
Who was in favor of citizen exchanges or "Transfer" during the 1930'-50's?
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The idea of population transfer was widely accepted between the wars and after WWII as a good way to avoid ethnic wars in the future. Moreover, the “Permanent Court for International Justice” issued, in 1930, its opinion on the transfer of citizens between Bulgaria and Greece saying: “The aim of mutual emigration is to reduce the causes of irredentist conflicts, and it is the most effective method for pacification in Eastern Europe”. Many Arab leaders, such as Jordan’s King Abdullah, agreed with this methodology for solving the Palestinian problem.
The idea of population transfer was widely accepted between the wars and after WWII as a way to avoid ethnic wars. Many Arab leaders, such as Jordan’s King Abdullah, agreed with this methodology to solve the Palestinian problem.
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The Zionist leaders (nor any Zionist party) were not in favor of the exchange of populations since they did not wish to force Jews living in Arab countries to leave their homes and properties. They were forced to leave anyway after the 1948 war (almost 1,000,000). Jordanian Prime Minister Ibrahim Hashem clearly stated what many Arab leaders thought: “The only just and permanent solution is based on the complete partition (of Palestine) with exchange of populations: the maintenance of Jews in Arab countries or of Arabs in the Jewish state will irremediably lead to another confrontation”.
The Zionist leaders (nor any Zionist party) were not in favor of population exchange as they did not want to force Jews living in Arab countries to leave their homes and properties. In any case, they had to leave after the 1948 war (almost 1,000,000).
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In the Middle East today, there is clear talk of the possibility of “transferring” Sunni or Shiite populations in Syria or Iraq to create ethnically homogeneous states. When a million Jews were expelled from the Arab countries where they had been living for centuries, nobody raised their voices because it was “understood” that it was another “transfer” of population in the framework of a war, although it was an aberrant crime. When more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled, most of them of their own free will, then there is talk of an “unprecedented Nakba”. The manipulation is obvious.
When a million Jews were expelled from Arab countries, nobody raised their voices because it was “understood” that it was another “transfer” of population in the framework of a war. When more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled, there is talk of an “unprecedented Nakba”.
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The six British diplomats who drew up the Peel plan for the partition of Palestine (1939) proposed a population movement to ethnically homogenize the two states to be created. The most important Arab-Palestinian leader of the time rejected any compromise. “The Mufti of Jerusalem said that there is no possibility of a coexistence in a land where there are two peoples so different from each other, and any attempt to forge it will harm one as well as the other” (Tom Seguev; “Israel during the Mandate”; p.326). The Mufti refused to guarantee the lives and property of Jews remaining under Arab-Palestinian control.
The six British diplomats who drew up the Peel plan for partitioning Palestine (1939) proposed a population movement to ethnically homogenize the two states to be created. The most important Arab-Palestinian leader of the time rejected any compromise.
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A false argument says that Yosef Weitz, head of the KKL, supported a British plan (Peel Commission) to exchange population. Weitz supported it, but only if it had the approval of those involved. “a forced transfer was neither real nor enforceable.” Weitz tried to convince the Zionist leadership to prepare a “transfer” plan and only in 1943 did the Jewish Agency’s accountant, Eliezer Kaplan, decide to remit funds to study the issue without arriving at anything operational. The Zionist leadership did not approve or act according to what Weitz said. In today’s Israel, 20% of Arabs live together with Jews.
A false argument says that Yosef Weitz, director of the KKL, supported a British plan (Peel Commission) to exchange population. Weitz supported it, but only if it had the approval of those involved. The Zionist leadership did not approve or act on what Weitz said.
What happened at Dir Yassin and why has it become part of the Palestinian mystique?
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Let’s understand the context about Dir Yassin. The UN resolved that Jerusalem would be an international city separate from the Arab and Jewish states, but while 150,000 Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem with the 2,500 in the Old City were victims of an Arab blockade that lasted five months before they were forced to surrender (29/5/1948). Before the surrender, Jewish convoys tried to bring food into Jerusalem and, by April 1948, the situation was critical. The Arabs attacked the roads and dominated Dir Yassin, a high area at the entrance of the road to Jerusalem, from where they fired on the convoys.
The UN resolved that Jerusalem would be an international city, 150,000 Jews in Jerusalem with the 2,500 in the Old City were victims of an Arab blockade that lasted five months. The Arabs attacked the roads from Dir Yassin, a high ground at the entrance to Jerusalem.
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Dir Yassin was a legal military target, from where Jewish convoys attempting to enter Jerusalem were attacked. As on many occasions today, armed Arab forces used the 750 civilians as human shields. Although the Etzel-Leji forces tried to warn them with a truck and loudspeakers to leave the war zone, the truck fell into a ditch and was probably not heard. A study by the Palestinian Bir Zeit University, based on Arab testimonies, states that 107 Arab civilians were killed and 12 wounded, in addition to the 13 “fighters”. Four Jews were killed.
Armed Arab forces used the 750 civilians of Dir Yassin as human shields. Etzel-Leji forces tried to warn them with a truck and loudspeakers to leave the war zone, the truck fell into a ditch and was probably not heard.
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The official Jewish leadership approved the attack on Dir Yassin (9/4/1948). David Shaltiel, commander of the Haganah, wrote to the leaders of the Leji and Irgun: “I learned that you plan to attack Dir Yassin. I want to point out that the capture of the position is a stage in our general plan. I have no objection to your carrying out the operation, provided you can occupy the village.” 132 Etzel-Leji soldiers attacked dozens of armed Arabs hiding among 750 civilians. Many Arab fighters disguised themselves as women to shoot at the Jewish soldiers. 120 Arabs and 4 Jews were killed. Massacre?
The official Jewish leadership approved the attack on Dir Yassin (9/4/1948). David Shaltiel, commander of the Haganah. 132 Etzel-Leji soldiers attacked dozens of armed Arabs. Many Arab fighters disguised themselves as women. 120 Arabs and 4 Jews were killed.
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Let’s look at the facts: 132 armed Jews attack a legal target (Dir Yassin), place a truck with loudspeakers that falls into a ditch; the Jews did “warn” the Arabs but never vice versa; the warning may not have been heard and 107 innocent Arab civilians are killed in the fighting. Iraqi soldiers, among others, were positioned at Dir Yassin. Look at this example, at 9:30, five hours after the fighting started, the Leji evacuated 40 old men, women and children in trucks and took them to a base in Shaykh Bader. Why did they save them if they wanted to make a massacre?
Look at this example, at 9:30, five hours after the fighting started, the Leji evacuated 40 old men, women and children in trucks and took them to a base in Shaykh Bader. Why did they save them if they wanted to make a massacre?
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After Dir Yassin, the Arabs exaggerated the number of victims, as only they know how to do. According to Bir Zait University, 107 civilians and 13 military personnel were killed although, at first, the Arabs said that only 110 survived out of the 1000 who lived there. Hazam Nusseibi, who worked for the Palestine Broadcasting Service in 1948, acknowledged that Hussein Khalidi, a Palestinian Arab leader, told him to fabricate the alleged atrocities. The Arab Supreme Committee hoped that exaggerated reports of a “massacre” at Dir Yassin would induce people in Arab countries to pressure their governments to intervene in Palestine.
The Arab Supreme Committee hoped that exaggerated reports of a “massacre” in Dir Yassin would induce the population of Arab countries to pressure their governments to intervene in Palestine.